Welcome, Mama, to Awakened Insights – Holistic Healing, where we embark on a transformative journey to reignite your self-love, confidence, and overall well-being.

So, you’ve been on a journey of health for awhile now. Hitting the gym, following diets, but not fully achieving your “magical” desired results – both inside and out.

You’ve either hit your goal weight OR you’ve got about 20(ish) more lbs to lose. Either way, you’ve got the strategy, you’ve got the all the tools for physical health, BUT you’re…

Feeling like something is missing and IF you could just grasp it, figure it out and apply it, you’ll easily and effortlessly achieve not just your physical health goals, but also you’re mental and emotional health goals and boosting confidence and loving the person in the mirror.

In truth, healing past trauma impacting your body’s stress response IS the SECRET INGREDIENT you’ve been missing. You see, it’s not just about following a diet or hitting the gym; it’s about addressing the stuff that’s underneath the surface, the things that have been holding you back, deep down and affecting your mental and emotional health on a daily basis.

And, until you heal that past trauma, you’re gonna keep hitting roadblocks in your overall health and wellness journey. It’s like trying to drive with the emergency brake on—you might make some progress, but you’re never gonna reach your destination until you deal with what’s holding you back.

So, if you’re tired of spinning your wheels and ready to finally break free from those old patterns, healing trauma is the key you’ve been searching for. Trust me, sis, once you unlock that door, everything else falls into place.

You’re here if:

  • you’ve tried every trick in the book—keto, intermittent fasting, calorie counting—but nothing seems to stick for the long haul
  • OR you’ve hit your weight goal and ready to keep the weight off for long-term, ending the yoyoing cycles year after year
  • you’re ready to get down to the root cause of what’s impacting your body’s stress response so you can show up with reduced stress and anxiety for a happier, healthier YOU
  • you’re all in to repair your relationship with food, exercise, scale, and/or mirror (self)
  • You’re ready to step into your power and take control of your health and well-being, finding that sweet balance between your personal life and everything else – building strong firm boundaries, honoring your truth and your worth
  • It’s time to reignite confidence, boost self-esteem, and fall head over heels in love with the woman staring back at you in the mirror, building sustainable habits to say goodbye to the weight of the past for good
  • you value personal growth and development with ongoing support and encouragement that comes with having someone in your corner. Someone who gets it and gets you, who’s there to cheer you on, listen to your ideas, and keep you on track toward those big, beautiful goals of yours

Awakened Insights is designed to empower you to become the best version of yourself, inside and out, through our three-step process:

EXPLORE: Uncover and address past traumas and hidden stressors (without reliving past experiences) that impact mental, emotional, and physical health including gut health, metabolism and hormones, paving the way for lasting transformation.

HEAL: Heal from the inside out, embracing self-love, confidence, and personal empowerment as you release old wounds and step into your authentic power

RESTORE: Restore balance and harmony to your mind, body, and spirit, fostering healthier relationships, better sleep, and a renewed sense of self-worth.

Results like this naturally take place EASILY and EFFORTLESSLY when you internally heal your body’s stress response and release past trauma affecting your body’s ability to maintain a healthy weight.

What you’ll get:

  • 1:1 Trauma Healing Support Calls offer support in:
    • We’re diving deep into your current trauma responses, unraveling those knots so you can finally breathe easy,
    • We’re walking you through actionable steps to banish the stress, trauma response and triggers for good
    • We’re providing future-oriented strategies to navigate challenges and obstacles, empowering you to be fully prepared for what’s ahead
  • Telegram Support – unlimited, in-the-moment support with timely feedback to help you best navigate challenges and obstacles as things come up throughout the month, hold space and a safe space to vent, or get in-the-moment guidance and direction for any upcoming situations – like a bestie, psychic and mentor in your back pocket
  • Energy clearings/reiki/chakra balancing – Think of it as a spa day for your soul, offering immediate relief from anxiety and trauma triggers. You’ll leave feeling lighter, brighter, confident and ready to take on whatever life throws your way
  • Astrology Analysis – dive deeper into who you are designed to be, your life path and purpose, the direct path to healing trauma and how to enhance all areas of life
  • Personalized Health Packages: for restoring, rebalancing and rebooting gut health, metabolism and hormones
    • personalized nutrition plan with what and how much to eat without counting calories or macros
    • Physiological Questionnaireevery 3 months, we will do a checkup and tune up to reconfigure and rebalance gut health, metabolism and hormones in the event they get thrown off due to stress, environmental factors, or foods that you may have been exposed to that do not agree with your body’s needs. Making necessary adjustments to ensure you’re on the right track to maintaining a healthy gut health, metabolism and hormone function.
    • waist-slimming, gut health, metabolism and hormone balancing recipes to kickstart your journey and keep in your kitchen with substitutions already provided on those days when you’re not sure what to cook
    • monthly weight and progress photo checkin to ensure you’re on the right track to hitting your goals each month
    • 3 weeks menus with grocery lists to help you quickly get back on track and not think about what to cook for the next few weeks – feel free to update and change up and use over and over again
    • Physiological Questionnaireevery 3 months, we will do a checkup and tune up to reconfigure and rebalance gut health, metabolism and hormones in the event they get thrown off due to stress, environmental factors, or foods that you may have been exposed to that do not agree with your body’s needs. Making necessary adjustments to ensure you’re on the right track to maintaining a healthy gut health, metabolism and hormone function.
    • simple and easy tailored strategies personalized to you and your busy schedule, to break free from all those emotional and stress eating patterns and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back, step into your power so you feel like the weight is lifted from your shoulders, breathing easier, feeling lighter, igniting your feminine energy and finding joy in the little things
      • We’ll also show you simple and easy ways to better understand your gut health, metabolism and hormones so that you know confidently what to do when things get off track.
      • dive deeper with additional modules covering topics like:
        • mastering intermittent fasting and make it work for you;
        • knowing exactly what steps to take uniquely designed to you to enhance and restore gut health metabolism and hormones with a simple and easy cheat sheet for future reference in the event life throws curveballs and your gut health, metabolism and hormones get thrown off again;
        • easily navigate difficult conversations in work or home through enhancing communication in your relationships and for conflict resolution
        • easily navigate challenges and obstacles that come up in life through simple ways to quickly de-stress; and setting healthy boundaries; learning how to say “no” in a loving way that others will receive; how to manifest your desires and “get what you want in life”; and, how to easily balance personal life and all other areas of life
        • and MORE


“I went from months of no sales in my business to working with Maisie and aligning my soul to my business attracting in a steady flow of clients with magnetizing my wealth to an almost 5-figure month in less than 3 months!” – LaRosa

“Maisie helped me heal from my past trauma so that I could get out of my own way and level up my life and my business. She helped me step into my power and activate my feminine energy so that I could attract more money and clients into my business. My husband barely recognized me and steadily complimented how much I had grown in my healing journey!” – Linda

“Through Maisie’s private mentorship program, I’ve been able to better manage my emotions. We had a ‘less than ideal’ situation come up where our kids were struggling with sickness and without her trauma healing program, I would’ve gone into panic mode and unable to best prepare for this situation.” – Beth

“Maisie’s private mentorship program helped me get my life back, I had been struggling in my appearance and physical health for awhile and wanted to heal from past traumas so that I could be a better person for myself and a better mom/wife for my family. I feel so much better.” – J.A.

“My business had been ‘stalling’ for awhile and I had wanted to manifest 5 more clients into my training. Through speaking with Maisie and her help activating my chakras and strengthening them, I manifested 5 more clients into my program AND feel so much better about myself with more strength energetically!” – Bernadette