For Busy Working Moms to Lose the Weight and Keep it Off for Good!

It’s Time to Discover What’s Really Holding You Back So You Can Feel Comfortable in Your Own Skin – Reclaim Your Health, Confidence and Power

Without counting/tracking/sacrificing

I see you, Mama, and all that you do for everyone around you and…

You’ve been trying to shed the weight—physically, mentally, and emotionally—but it feels like every effort leaves you feeling stuck, exhausted, and still far from your goals. You’re juggling so much—work, kids, a household—and in the process, you’ve put your own health and well-being on the back burner.

Does this sound familiar?

  • You’ve tried everything to feel better—diets, fitness programs, self-care routines—but nothing seems to stick. The weight comes back, the stress remains, and the energy you crave seems out of reach.
  • You look in the mirror and don’t recognize the woman staring back at you.
  • You’re a high-achieving woman, balancing the demands of a successful career and a busy family life, but deep down, you feel overwhelmed and unfulfilled.
  • Despite your success, you often feel like you’re running on empty—constantly exhausted, stressed, and struggling to keep up with the daily grind.
  • Your physical health is starting to show the wear and tear of your lifestyle—your gut health is off, your hormones feel out of balance, and your metabolism isn’t what it used to be.
  • You find yourself short-tempered, snippy, and distant with your loved ones, and you’re tired of being the woman who’s always “too busy” or “too tired” to fully engage in her own life.
  • You know there’s more to your health and body transformation than just counting calories or following another restrictive plan.

You’re not alone. This was me, and so many of my clients, too. Here’s the deal…

It’s not about just losing weight. It’s about uncovering the deeper issues—the root cause—of what’s truly holding you back from achieving the health and happiness you deserve.

Traditional weight loss programs focus on quick results, but they never address what’s happening beneath the surface.

The truth is, if you’re not addressing the underlying stress, hormonal imbalances, and emotional struggles, any success will be short lived. That’s why you find yourself stuck in a cycle of weight loss and gain—never able to break free for good.

The weight you’re carrying isn’t just physical. It’s the mental and emotional weight, too—the pressure to be everything for everyone, the stress you push down, the identity you feel you’ve lost.

It’s Time to Reconnect with YOU and Uncover What’s Really Holding You Back.

I’m here to help you break free from the patterns that keep you stuck and guide you toward lasting transformation—not just for your body, but for your mind and soul, too.

Introducing: Empowered Wellness

A 6-month program crafted to help you lose up to 50 pounds and keep it off for good WITHOUT counting, tracking, or sacrificing.
We show you how to achieve lasting results with how your body was uniquely designed to maintain weight loss!

This isn’t just another weight loss program – This is a REAL transformation, empowering you to step into your full potential, boost your confidence, and reclaim your health—mentally, emotionally, and physically.

What If You Could…

  • Wake up every day full of energy, excited for what the day holds – no more struggling with burnout and exhaustion.
  • Look in the mirror and love what you see—a confident, radiant woman, slimmer waist, flat stomach, toned arms and legs, thigh gap with a true smile that meets the eyes, a woman who is truly at peace with herself and loving the joy in her life?
  • Reclaim your sense of self—finally bridge the gap between who you are now and the woman you always dreamed of becoming?
  • Finally break free from the cycle of stress, fatigue, and frustration, releasing the emotional and mental patterns that held you back so you can step into your full power as the woman you were always meant to be?
  • Sleep peacefully through the night, free from the thoughts and worries that once kept you up?
  • Find balance in your roles, no longer feeling overwhelmed, but fully present in each moment?

Don’t take my word for it…See what others moms have to say and their results

Why Empowered Wellness?

You’ve tried doing it on your own, but just can’t seem to make it stick long-term. You’re stuck in the same patterns falling back into old habits, facing the same struggles over and over, and you’re ready for a change.

The Empowered Wellness program is the catalyst you need to finally break free from the yoyoing patterns and become the woman you’ve always wanted to be.

This program is about more than just losing weight—it’s about reclaiming your health, confidence and life. It’s about becoming the best version of yourself, inside and out. It’s about stepping into your full potential, power and worth and living a life that feels truly aligned with who you are.

Not sure if this is the right fit for you? Message me, and let’s chat—I’ll help you feel reassured and confident that this program is exactly what you need to get started on your journey to lasting change.

Imagine this…

  • Total Confidence: You walk into any room with your head held high, radiating confidence and energy. Your body feels strong, your skin glows, and you move with the grace and ease of someone who’s in total control of her health and life.
  • Balanced Health: Your gut health, metabolism, and hormones are fully rebalanced, giving you the energy, mental clarity, and physical vitality you’ve been craving. You’re no longer at war with your body—instead, you’re working in harmony with it, feeling rejuvenated, physically lighter and feeling confident in your appearance with a toned slim body.
  • Stress-Free Living: You’ve broken free from the constant cycle of stress and burnout. You wake up each day feeling refreshed, focused, and ready to take on the world, without the weight of exhaustion and anxiety holding you back.
  • Deep Inner Peace: You’ve shed the layers of stress, insecurity, self-doubts and overwhelm that have been weighing you down. You feel at peace with yourself, deeply connected to your worth, and fully empowered to live your best, happiest, healthiest life as the woman you’ve always dreamt you’d be.

The Empowered Wellness Experience: Discover the Root Cause and Reclaim Your Health

In Empowered Wellness, we go beyond the surface-level fixes. Together, we’ll:

  • Identify the Root Causes of the stress, hormonal imbalances, and emotional blocks impacting your weight and health.
  • Heal What’s Been Holding You Back, mentally and physically, so you can finally experience true, lasting change.
  • Reconnect with the Woman You Want to Be, through personalized coaching, community support, and proven strategies that fit your busy life.


I’m Maisie Smith Lovett, a business owner for the last decade, certified Energy Healer, Trauma Healing Coach and a Holistic Health Practitioner.

I’ve worked with hundreds of busy working moms to empower them to address and heal the root cause impacting yoyoing weight loss so you can finally reclaim your health, confidence and power to shed the weight and keep it off for good.

I create this program because I, like you, was on the dieting struggle – 30+ lbs overweight and it was affecting my confidence, my esteem, my energy and how I showed up as a mom. I tried all the diet plans and nothing worked.

I had to dig deep into what was really holding me back and identify the root cause. When I did, I was able to get the right plan that worked FOR ME and I dropped over 30 lbs and have successfully kept it off for over 10 years – and now, I’m showing my moms how to do the same uniquely tailored to their body, their stress, their lifestyle, and their schedule – so that they, too, can lose the weight and keep it off.

Here’s What You’ll Get:

  • Personalized Onboarding Setup: We’ll start with a personalized onboarding setup to tailor the program to your specific needs – your body, your stress, your schedule, your lifestyle – ensuring you’re set up for success from day one, without counting calories/macros or tracking.
  • Coaching Calls: Receive 1:1 coaching and personalized guidance and support throughout the program to help you uncover the root cause and anything holding you back right now.
  • Meal Plan, Menus, Grocery Lists: From the start, you’ll have access to your personalized plan to build a simple and easy sustainable strategy
  • Weekly Check-ins: Stay on track with regular check-ins where you’ll receive personalized feedback and support to improve results each week.
  • Daily One-on-One Coaching: Get the accountability, guidance, and support you need every day from yours truly and other amazing mamas through our private community.
  • Monthly Q&A with Elizabeth: Join my assistant Elizabeth for a monthly Q&A call where she’ll tackle meal prep, planning, and recipe building to set you up for success each month – and support in between calls!
  • 24/7 Community Access: Connect with like-minded women who are on the same journey as you. Share recipes, tips, and successes while building a strong support network.


  • 1 Private 1:1 call per month: for us to dig deeper into your individual situation and personalized strategy, where you feel stuck in weight loss, health and uncover roots of hidden stress impacting with a specific game plan to achieve results even quicker and easier
  • In-the-Moment Direct Access to me: If in the moment, you need timely feedback and quick guidance, support or direction, you’ll have the ability to reach out directly to me
  • Gut Health, Metabolism, Hormone Assessment Check Up: how your body is maintaining balanced gut health, metabolism and hormones for continued easy success in weight loss and pinpoint halts quicker

Maybe you’re thinking…

“I’m not ready.” It’s normal to feel like you’re not ready for change, but staying in that mindset is keeping you stuck. Empowered Wellness helps you start small and build momentum at your pace, giving you the confidence to finally move forward.

“I’m not enough.” You are enough—your past failures don’t define your future success. This program is designed for women just like you, who have felt discouraged but are ready to embrace a new approach that’s kinder, more holistic, and actually works long-term.

“I’ve got too much going on right now and some big bills coming up”

  • It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when life throws challenges your way.
  • But the reality is, there will never be a ‘perfect’ time to focus on your health.
  • The longer you wait, the more you risk deepening the cycle of stress and burnout. Empowered Wellness is designed to fit into your busy life, not add to it.
  • And because the program is online and can be accessed anytime, you can move through the material at your own pace, ensuring that it doesn’t interfere with your current priorities.
  • As for the financial side, consider the investment you’re making in yourself. How much is it costing you to stay stuck where you are—mentally, physically, and emotionally? How are your feelings of overwhelm, frustration, or exhaustion affecting those around you? And how do you feel when these emotions impact your relationships or interactions?
  • By investing in your health, you’re not only transforming your life, but you’re also creating a ripple effect of positivity, balance, and energy that will uplift everyone around you. In Empowered Wellness, we help you tap into this power by addressing the root causes of your struggles so you can show up as your best self—for you and those you love

“60 Day RISK-FREE Guarantee”

We stand by the results of Empowered Wellness with our 100% commitment to your success. If you’re not seeing results in the first 60 days, we’ll work with you 1:1 until you do—at no additional cost. We’re dedicated to making sure you achieve the quick, sustainable results you deserve, and we’ll personally support you every step of the way to ensure you get there.

This program is for you IF:

  • you’re fed up with quick fix, temporary plans that leave you backsliding year after year
  • you’re tired of feeling pulled in a million different directions and ready to fully commit to herself and her health goals with just a few effective, and powerful 10 minutes a day
  • you’re tired of making excuses and ready to take action towards achieving the woman you’ve wanted to become – inside and out – energetic, confident, vibrant, owning her worth and stepping into her power
  • you’re ready to have lasting results in your health, shed the weight physically and mentally, loving the woman in the mirror
  • you’re ready to experience a true transformational journey to reconnecting and finding yourself again and who you truly are!


“I went from months of no sales in my business to working with Maisie and aligning my soul to my business attracting in a steady flow of clients with magnetizing my wealth to 5-figure month in less than 60 days! I didn’t realize how much my stress over the years was impacting my health and my mind. When I released all of that through Maisie’s program, it helped me find my confidence and true self! No holding back!” – L.J.

“Maisie helped me release the root cause of my stress and what was holding me back so that I could get out of my own way and level up my life, my health, my confidence and my business. She helped me step into my power and activate my feminine energy so that I could attract more money and clients into my business. My husband barely recognized me and steadily complimented how much I had grown in my healing journey!” – Linda

“Through Maisie’s private mentorship program, I’ve been able to better manage my emotions. We had a ‘less than ideal’ situation come up where our kids were struggling with sickness and without her trauma healing program, I would’ve gone into panic mode and unable to best prepare for this situation.” – Beth

“Maisie’s private mentorship program helped me get my life back, I had been struggling in my appearance and physical health for awhile and wanted to heal from past traumas so that I could be a better person for myself and a better mom/wife for my family. I feel so much better.” – J.A.

“My business had been ‘stalling’ for awhile and I had wanted to manifest 5 more clients into my training. Through speaking with Maisie and her help release my hidden stress I was holding onto, I manifested 5 more clients into my program AND feel so much better about myself with more strength and energy!” – Bernadette

Ready to Lose the weight and keep it off for good?

Your health goals and deepest dreams and desires of releasing the old you and becoming who you truly want to be is 100% worth the conversation. Book your support call now!